Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year: New Possibilities, New Opportunities

As we enter a new year, I'm reminded of a sermon my pastor preached not too long ago. He asked: Is it better to regret what you've done or to regret what you didn't do?

He went on: "Have you sat on the sidelines of life and let opportunities walk by? Are you everything God created you to be? Are you living up to what God wants you to be? Why aren't you stepping up to the opportunities God has given you? Why do you fail to move when God has opened up a door of opportunity?"

My pastor noted 3 Reasons why we don't take advantage of the opportunities that life presents us:
1) We are intimidated by the possibility
2) We feel inadequate for the position - asking ourselves if we have what it takes to handle the job.
3) We are insecure about our past

The sermon hit home.

This year I vow to be open to new possibilities. We have a chance for a new beginning, a fresh start. I've started off the year decluttering my home and I have a list of professional goals I would like to achieve. I just hope I have the COURAGE to take advantage of the opportunities that may come my way.

As you think about the things you want to accomplish this year I don't want you to be intimidated by the possibilities, feel inadequate about your talent or be insecure about your past. Let's get off the sidelines and step up to the opportunities that God will put in our lives. Let's move forward with courage and faith. There's so much that awaits us.

Here's to 2012 !

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