I talked to my dad this morning and he told me about a local preacher who revealed recently that he was the father of 8 month old twins. The babies' mother is not the preacher's wife, but a member of his congregation.
This particular preacher got divorced several years ago after a woman, not his wife, accused him of sexual assault. He agreed to some kind of plea deal and was able to start over with a new church. Today he has more than 3,000 members.
I asked a male friend what he thought of this situation. He said, "The man may be a preacher above the neck, but he's just a man below the waist."
What are your thoughts?
Should preachers/pastors/ministers be held to different standards than the rest of us?
Should they be living examples of the word they preach?
Would you attend this specific preacher's church?
What do you think about him sleeping with a member of his congregation?
(photo by cyclewidowpatti).
What are your thoughts? He needs to step down as pastor. If he has no order in his house, he has no business leading God's house.
Should preachers/pastors/ministers be held to different standards than the rest of us? Yes, the word even says that to whom much is given, much is required. He is intrusted with the children of God. That is a major responsibility.
Should they be living examples of the word they preach? OF COURSE!! Your best witness to the lost is your walk, not your talk.
Would you attend this specific preacher's church? Yes, as long as he was not the up in the pulpit. Can't hold the congregation responsible for his faults.
What do you think about him sleeping with a member of his congregation? Thou shalt not commit adultery. Nuff said.
What are your thoughts? He needs to stop pastoring until he can get his life together with the help of God.
Should preachers/pastors/ministers be held to different standards than the rest of us? Not different, but higher standards. They are helping to lead people to Christ. Their lives should reflect this. Yes, they will commit sins. However, when you are REPEATEDLY struggling with the same sin, then you shouldn't be in charge over God's flock.
Should they be living examples of the word they preach? Yes, as much as they can.
Would you attend this specific preacher's church? No.
What do you think about him sleeping with a member of his congregation? Not a good look.
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