At the beginning of the movie, Carrie and Big meet another married couple. They talk about their parallel lives. The other wife beams and announces that she is pregnant. When the couple learn that Carrie and Big don't plan to have children, they look at them like something's wrong, almost with disgust - like they're aliens or something !
It made me think of a question my girlfriend posed last week:
Why get married if you don't want children?
So I ask:
Is the sole purpose of marriage to have children?
What's wrong with not wanting children? What's wrong with just wanting to be married? What's wrong with "just us two"?
What are your thoughts?
i wanted to smack that couple. eve was created to be adam's help mate, NOT his children's mother. kids, if they come, if a marriage is so blessed, are gravy. but not a necessity. i don't believe God put us here to wade through life alone.
I wish more people had the courage to say no to having children when they didn't want them.
No, marriage is not just about children, they are a fringe benefit IMO. I think marriage is about a connection, an interdependence with another living being, sharing, loving, caring for someone other than yourself. Knowing that someone is in your corner. I think, for me, that last part has been the most important -- being able to trust that someone else can and will take care of me. No matter what happens with me and Mr. SLS I am certain he will always be there for me, that I can trust him and rely on him. That knowledge has given me confidence to try and do things I could not do before...
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