Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm Rich B$TCH !

If you came into a substantial amount of money, what would be your DREAM purchase?
That was the question of the day on one of the morning shows.

One caller said he would purchase an island.
Now that would be cool. I love the Caribbean and would love to live there 3-6 months out of the year - sundresses and sandals baby !

Another caller said he would buy a Bentley.
A young lady said she wanted her dream wedding.

An older gentlemen told the host that he would travel around the world.
I like that, on my list: London, Paris, Spain, Italy, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, and that's just the start. How many years do you think I'll have to take off?

Let's see. What would be my DREAM purchase?
That's a good question. I don't know.
I think maybe I'll buy something that will continue to make money and create jobs.
I love spas. (look at Sheila Johnson)
A magazine? Well, that might not make any money (LOL !!!)
What about a network? (that would have to be a LOT of money)
A cool, hip night spot for folks over 35?
What about some land and create a beautiful waterfront with retail, restaurants and entertainment?
What about a store called "Bottom Heavy" and sell clothes for women who are, you know, bottom heavy like me? Here's the tag line: "Clothes for women with some junk in their trunk."  I think that would do well. (LOL !!!)

Anyway, let me think about it.
In the meantime: What would be your DREAM purchase?
What would you get if money was no object?
a house? car? jewelry? a private jet?

Think BIG !

holla at me...

1 comment:

TNDRHRT said...

Hmmm....what immediately comes to mind is spending it on experiences with my family and friends. A great family vacation to a place where I've bought a very nice vacation home. We'd go there every year. I'd also help my church back at home with renovations. Buy my mom HER dream home and, of course, I'd have mine, too. What else? Definitely contribute or start my own non-profit that would help the homeless. Maybe purchase an apartment or home for some so that could start a new lease (pun intended) on life.