Thursday, March 10, 2011

What's Your Devil?

Yesterday began the season of Lent. According to, "Lent is a special time of prayer, penance, sacrifice and good works in preparation of the celebration of Easter." The religious site,, describes Lent as a spiritual spring cleaning.


However, most of us think of Lent as giving up something for 40 days. Many of us give up some type of food we love - bread, carbohydrates, meat. For me, it was desert (my biggest weakness). Some people give up alcohol. I know a few folks who try not to use curse words for 40 days.

But for the next 40 days I challenge you to dig a little deeper. What would be a difficult sacrifice? What would be the hardest thing to abstain from?

I ask: What's your devil?
What is that one thing that is keeping you from becoming the person you want to be? It may be wasteful spending; it may be a love for food; it may be procrastination or it may be an addiction to unhealthy relationships.

I just got cable a few weeks ago and dear lord, I think Cable is the Devil - so many channels, so many things to watch. It has literally kept me from doing the things that I need to do - and that's the devil.

So, whatever your devil is, let's try to work on it for the next 40 days - and beyond.

In the meantime, check out Kelly Price singing Healing live:

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