Yesterday, I wrote a post about how my doctor believed I was stressed and recommended a number of remedies such as yoga, breathing exercises and a Gratitude Journal.
Ironically, in yesterday's USAToday, there was an article about how people who are married or in committed relationships are "less susceptible to the effects of stress." In the article titled Like marriage, committed relationships may protect against stress, the author points to a recent study that found "the romantic bond of being in a committed relationship alters hormones that can buffer against stress."
Researchers in the piece also noted that "single people were more susceptible to psychological stress than those who are married or in a relationship."
Maybe the answer to my problem is love. I think Marvin Gaye had a point - lol.
What do you guys think of this study?
Do you believe single people are more susceptible to stress than those who are married or in a committed relationship? Why or Why not?
Let me know your thoughts.
photo by ku'uipo.
I think so. Ideally in a marriage/committed relationship you have a built-in person in which you can confide as well as someone to help you work through tough situations. A problem is not YOUR problem, it's OUR problem. You also have someone vested in you being happy, healthy, content, fulfilled. Also, the intimacy -- not just sex, but regular hugs, kisses, snuggles etc. -- helps as well. Most of us are not meant to be alone, IMO.
I could see how the study would be correct. Having a mate to discuss the days high and lows helps to elevate the stress of the day. Having a mate also allows individuals to focus on the positive.
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