"My name is Lottie," I replied.
He texted: "I know babe. what ya doin'? wanna meet later?"
I couldn't help but smile: "sure," I replied.
He sent another text: "What do you want to do?"
I suggested we see a movie. I was in a shopping center that included a theater. I told him I could meet him at 9, around the time I had expected to finish my shopping. He agreed.
As the time got closer for us to meet, he sent me a text to let me know he was on his way.
Well, I had not eaten since early afternoon and was starving. Plus, I was tired after running around all day and didn't want to risk falling asleep in a movie. So I suggested we go to a nearby restaurant in the same shopping center instead of catching a movie.
He sent me a text indicating that it was okay.
I was still in the store when he text to tell me he had made it to the restaurant. It was four minutes until 9.
Wow, I thought. Big Red is punctual.
I met him at the restaurant. He was not hard to find. His car definitely stood out among the rest — LOL.
Now, since meeting we had never had a phone conversation. We had only text each other.
We were now sitting face to face and had to talk.
Well, I couldn't understand a damn word Big Red said. In fact, I kept repeating what he said to make sure that I had it right.
I was like: Huh? What?
I don't remember his words being so mumbled the first time I met him. When we met, we danced and he bought me a drink. Afterwards he walked me to my car and we talked a little bit. But I swear I could understand him.
But last night was a different story.
Where are you from? I asked. I had noticed an accent.
It seemed like a simple question. But I didn't get a straightforward answer: My father is African and my mother is from the Bahamas.
oh, okay, I said.
But you know I was in Haiti a lot, he said.
And sometimes Miami.
My father owns funeral homes in Haiti and my mother lives in Miami now.
Oh, gotcha. Now where did he grow up?
Anyway, I kept straining to understand his words. I didn't have any alcohol. But I did have alcohol the night I met him: vodka and cranberry. Maybe he just sounded clearer when I was under the influence - LOL.
Anyway, after dinner Big Red wanted to go out. He was ready to party after being inside all day. But I was dead tired.
Maybe next time, I said.
He walked me to my car and we said our goodbyes.
When Big Red called me this afternoon, again I couldn't quite make out his words. He was just getting up (it was 2 pm) and wanted to know if we could get together sometime today.
Then it hit me. I realized who he sounded like: LIL WAYNE ! WEEZY !!!
In fact, he even looks a bit like Weezy, a spitting image: dark-complexion, short, extremely thin and long locs.
I'm dating Lil Wayne yall !!!!

Don't sip the sizzuuurrrp. LOL!
LMAO!!!!! Well, you gotta be able to what??? COMMUNICATE....once you understood what he was saying, was it worth the challenge to comprehend??? Could you see yourself riding shotgun in Big Red going forward??? If the answers are no, I say quit while you're ahead & be happy you got a nice meal & an evening out! On to the next one....
You are so crazy! Good luck with Lil' Wayne!
I am still laughing at the Huh? What? This is hilarious! Big Red sounds like he has no life. Cut your loses. Also, be careful with the ones you text without talking. COMMUNICATION is the key.
Thanks for the laugh! LOL
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