Monday, January 31, 2011

And the Drama Continues...

So did you hear Mary Harvey, ex-wife of comedian/radio host Steve Harvey on the Tom Joyner Morning Show today?

She explained to Tom that she just wants an apology from her ex-husband. You can read a condensed version of the interview here or below you can see her in person talking to Tom in his studio.

Here's the video of Part One of her interview.

And here's the video of Part Two.

You can tell that she's suffered through a lot of hurt and pain. She feels wronged. But do you think this is the best way for her to express her feelings? Do you think differently of Steve now that you've heard Mary's story? Do you think she's telling the truth? (Mr. Harvey has alleged that Mary's videos are filled with lies) What do you think of this situation? Should she have just kept quiet?

Check out the videos and let me know your thoughts.

1 comment:

SingLikeSassy said...

Who knows what the truth is but I understand how she had a sour taste in her mouth watching him promote himself as a relationship expert. I don't feel any differently cause I always thought he was side-eye worthy.