Monday, September 6, 2010

Ask... and You Shall Receive

I can't blame God.

I really can't. He's given me everything I've asked for.

I asked to meet a man: college educated professional, never married, no kids. And I've met those guys. But I didn't like them. (Paper boys-they look good on paper only.)

I asked to meet a man: serious about commitment, marriage-minded, monogamous. And I've met those guys (boy did I meet those guys !). And again, I didn't like them.

I asked to meet a man: down-to-earth, fun, cool to hang out with. And I've met those guys. I didn't like them. Have you ever heard of someone being TOO down-to-earth? (I'm so hood !)

I would always say, "I want a man who is really into me, someone who would worship me." (yeah, I actually said that) The last three guys I've met have really been into me, so into me that it was scary.

So, I can't complain. God has given me exactly what I've asked for. He hears me and he's answered my prayers.

So, what gives? Why hasn't it worked? Why haven't I clicked with anyone? Why haven't I met anyone I feel is worthy of a long-term relationship?
Maybe God is trying to tell me something, teaching me a lesson maybe?

What are your thoughts?
Why do you think I haven't met anyone I really want to be with, despite meeting men with the qualities I want?

Oh, yeah be sure to check out my blog tomorrow on the "Soul Mate List."


SingLikeSassy said...

Maybe God is bringing you all the things you said you want so you can better recognize what it is you need when that is presented to you.

Unknown said...

Been there, done that!
I asked God to allow me to stay with this guy (I THOUGHT I was in love with and couldn't do without him). God too answered my prayers, but I wasn't happy!

I say this to you and myself: Have you ever asked God to send you a soulmate - the one HE has planned for us? A soulmate would be that one to make us happy!

Something to think about.