Every Monday and Wednesday I teach a Jazzercise class for Washington Parks and People's "Heart & Soul" program. The class is located in one of D.C.'s most impoverished and violent areas. Even though the class is free for residents who are on some type of government assistance, it has been difficult getting participants.
Today, I got an email from one of my students saying she going to join another fitness program. Right after, another email came: one of my most loyal students said she had to care for her ailing parents and didn't know when she would be able to return to class.
Man, I was down. I love teaching this class. It's a service for an area that is often underserved. My city councilwoman even comes.
But the class was already small and losing two students was devastating. If we lost any more students I would have to close the class.
However, when I got to class today, I had four new students. Four. By the end of class, they all signed up and said they would be back on Wednesday (we'll see).
See how God works?
Just when I was thinking about giving up, God stepped in. When I lost two, he gave me four.
Even though this is only a Jazzercise class, it's often the small things that remind me of God's grace and mercy. It is he who is in control, not I. It's not an ordinary love.
What about you?
Have you ever wanted to give up (on anything), but God stepped in?
I was sooooo excited tonight to see the new students!!!! I love this class (when I can make it...smile) and didn't want it to have to close.
There have been many things that I wanted to give up on, but God chose otherwise. Great testimony, Lot!
back when i started freelancing (this was in 1996), i had NO MONEY. the first 10 months or so, i'd panic as the first of the month drew near. but somehow, God always saw to it that i had enough cash to pay rent. i finally stopped worrying. it's been that way all these past 13 years: no matter what my financial situation, i've always been able to meet rent (now mortgage).
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