What do you think of this Vanity Fair cover of Tiger Woods?
My co-worker thinks it is racist, that Tiger looks like a thug. He says that Vanity Fair is stereotyping Tiger; in essence saying that all Black men are just basically thugs.
hmmm. really?
Ironically, this cover was shot way before the scandal.
What are your thoughts on this cover?
You can check out the Vanity Fair article on Tiger here .
I don't think it's racist. I think it shows Tiger as more of a sexual being, which clearly he is. We have never seen him in such a way before. He has always been seen buttoned up and covered up. This new picture shows the change in his public persona. I was very surprised that this picture was taken some time ago. I don't think it's good for his image though. He is supposed to be refocusing on his family and golf, not looking like a sex symbol.
I'm really not feeling this photo...it definitly shows him in a totally different light...I could see him working out like this, but just like Sarah Palin was taken out of context in her cover, I think Vanity Fair is going for the cheap shot here too.
But honestly, Tiger is probably getting all that is coming to him and some...I don't wish anything bad on him, I just hope he gets some help and comes out on the other side of his tragic decisions as a better person.
There might be something to that racist thing. This is the first time we've ever seen him look like this. Any other time we see him portrayed as this wholesome, corny, good guy who just happens to have brown skin (one of those type of black men white people aren't afraid of). Now in this cover, for the first time, he looks like a black man, scully and all. He even seems to have nappy hair around his belly button. To me this is to remind white folks, Vanity Fair's audience, that he was nothing but a black man all along. One you should protect your daughters from.
how can we be saying all black men are thugs when tiger ain't black. he's cablinasian.
To hell with your co-worker. I think he looks good! What exactly does a thug look like? Are black men with no shirts and not smiling all thugs????
I think it also explains why so many women jumped him knowing he was married. As for the picture being old, Vanity Fair doesn't care about Tigers efforts to fix his rep. They just want to sell copies....and with this copy, they will.
I'm with Boxilla; he looks good. So it's not the image of Tiger that we're used to, but so what - we all know now that was a farce anyway. He looks kind of sad, which I'm betting he is, and I enjoy seeing his body. I planned on getting it anyway.
why would it be racist? he posed for it, with his shirt off. And i'm assuming nobody forced him to put on the cap.
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