For some reason, I'm fascinated with this Tiger thing.
I mean, everyday some new woman comes out claiming she too had an affair, fling, or whatever with Tiger. One media outlet noted that the number of mistresses is now up to ten: The Tiger Ten. Another outlet has nicknamed the famed golfer, "Lion Cheetah." (that's funny)
Most recently, California Congressman Joe Baca has withdrawn his proposal to honor Tiger with a Congressional Gold Medal — a Congressional Gold Medal, now that's big.
And the media keeps adding fuel to the fire.
In her latest article about the Tiger "situation," USA Today columnist Christine Brennan writes that, "What Tiger Woods has caused to happen to himself and his image over the past two weeks is the sports world's most remarkable fall from grace, ever. No athlete has ever held a perch so high in our culture — right up there with President and Mrs. Obama, and Oprah — and fallen so far so fast."
She goes on to write, "When he does come back to the golf course, he will return without the aura of invincibility that won him so many titles. How will competitors ever fear him again? They might pity him, or make fun of him under their breath, but fear?"
Wow. Really?
Michael Jordan cheated on his wife and for many he is still considered the world's greatest basketball player. And I don't even have enough room to name the countless entertainers, athletes, politicians and dare I say clergymen, who have "fallen from grace" and have gotten back up with wide support. (Didn't Bill Clinton get reelected?)
Donald Trump seems to think Tiger will weather this storm and come out even stronger. Trump told the entertainment show Extra that Woods "is going to be hotter than ever - mark my words."
What do you think?
Do you think Tiger's "transgressions" have ruined his career or do you agree with Trump that he will recover from this, "hotter than ever?"
I guess only time will tell.
jordan and some of the other athletes didn't have the squeaky clean image tiger has worked so hard to cultivate. and, really, come on. how many mistresses does one man need??? simultaneous mistresses. it'd even make sense if, over the course of 20 years, there'd been more than one, but not at the same time. he did do this to himself. but we are a nation of second (and third and 8th) chances, so i don't doubt that once some time has passed--and he's back to his winning ways on the course--all will be forgiven.
No one will care in a few months and his competitors will still fear him because he's still going to kick their butts. Also, his competitors cheat too but just do a better job.
I don't fell sorry for Tiger, but the media is having a field day with this one because he was private. I don't really think he was on a pedestal, people just didn't know much about him except that he dominates his sport.
Time will tell, but there are WAY too many white women involved - one, two, maybe three, his wife, porn stars, the list goes on and all of them are "his" victims. You can't be a black man and victimize this many white women and not pay for it. The difference: some of these other athletes, like Mike Jordan, had black wives...that puts a whole different spin on it.
I never liked him and feel that this is just what he deserves. He's a ho...
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