Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What Do You Need a Man For?

Okay, I'm listening to Michael Baisden right now
and he's asking the ladies: What do you need a man for?

He's referring to studies that have found that women who are financially
stable are foregoing marriage because they don't want to deal
with men's "issues." (yeah, one of those reports)

So, Michael's asking, if you don't need a man to help
with the bills, what do you need him for? Romance? Sex?
Intimacy? Companionship?

Personally, I needed someone to change my light bulbs
because I have high ceilings, then I bought a ladder (lol :))

But seriously, I think there's a difference between
a need and a want. And in my humble opinion, a man is both.

What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Honestly, you posed this question on a bad day, the day after my two year relationship ended b/c my boyfriend couldn't see himself as married. Today, I wonder the same thing. Do I need the headache?? Really?? Not thinking so today, but I'm sure I will think about companionship and other stuff tomorrow or next month or so.

Anonymous said...

The world revolves around love. Some people might not admit it freely, but everyone wants to find love. We're hardwired for it.

Anonymous said...

companionship, of course. stupid topic for baisden. who wants to grow old alone?

SingLikeSassy said...

A lot of folks want to grow old alone. I know several. It was hard for me to comprehend. But I'm not one of them. I need a man for companionship and affection and interaction that I cannot get from a good girlfriend. I can pay my own bills, but I have to admit, I like knowing that if I *did* fall short, there's someone there watching my back. To sum up, it's the intangibles.