Thursday, September 27, 2012

Something Better

About a few weeks ago, before my tv went out, I was watching an episode of Lovetown USA on the OWN channel. The show is about how two matchmakers go into the town of Kingsland, Ga. and try to match up singles — you know, find them love.

It was interesting. Two of the single men who had been matched — one White, one Black — seemed really into the women that were chosen for them. They had gone out on several dates with their matches and expressed that they liked them a lot. They said that they enjoyed spending time with the ladies and had fun on their dates.


When the matchmakers asked the men if they wanted to continue to date the women they were matched with, get to know them and see if maybe a relationship could develop or try someone new — they both opted to try someone new and be matched with someone else.

When asked why, both men gave the same response: She's nice and all. I really like her, but I want to see what else is out there.

So, both men were matched with different women. Ironically, they did not enjoy themselves with their new matches and one even admitted that he would have had more fun with his original match.

The matchmakers had warned them that they could risk losing a good partner in search of "something better," and it seemed that in the end both men regretted their decision.

I think the lesson in this is obvious.

I know none of us wants to feel like we've "settled" but what are the consequences of always looking for something better, of thinking that there's something better out there.

What are your thoughts?
Have you run into guys (wait a minute, I should say women too) who can't seem to settle down because they're always looking for "something better"?

holla at me...

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