But my question is not about attachment parenting. I want to know how you feel about the cover. Also, what is your opinion of extended nursing?
A Washington Post story noted that about 44 percent of mothers breast-feed for about six months and only about 15 percent follow the advice from the American Academy of Pediatrics which recommends breast-feeding for a year. The group touted the benefits of breast-feeding for babies. Breast-fed babies, it pointed out, have a stronger immune system, are less likely to develop asthma or become overweight later in childhood.
What are your thoughts on breast-feeding a child over the age of 1? According to a piece on NY DailyNews.com, the mother on Time's cover said she was breast-fed until she was 6-years-old and said it's the reason she has such a close bond with her mother.
So, what are your thoughts on the cover? Do you think it received such a strong reaction because the child was a young boy — as opposed to a young girl?
How do you feel about extended nursing?
Let me know your thoughts.
I honestly don't care how people parent their children as long as what they are doing isn't abusive. It's not my business.
Also, I think the cover received so much attention because we have sexualized the breast. It has a function, that's what she is using it for, that's her child and everybody else can really just stuff it.
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