I'm working on a series about successful entrepreneurs. One mentioned in another publication that a family member once told her, "No one should ever get three strikes, because if they did it once, they're going to do it again."
It reminds me of the
Maya Angelou quote, "The first time someone shows you who they are believe them."
But I tend to want to see the good in people, so I often give people the benefit of the doubt — maybe he/she's having a bad day or they'll do better the next time or ...
I mean, don't you think people deserve another chance, a second chance? From my own experience, when I make a mistake, I try to correct it as best I can and try my best not to make it again. You know, learning from your mistakes.
But then again, I've run into those who were dishonest and no matter how many chances I've given them to clean up their act, I often realize — late in the game — that I should have taken them for who they were — the first time.
I once confronted a guy I was dating about a lie he had told. He apologized profusely and said he was "going through some things and it wouldn't happen again." Well, it wasn't even a week later when he lied again. I looked at him and said, "You haven't changed."
I do believe people show us who they really are early on, (maybe not the first time) yet we decide to ignore the signs - until they bite us and we're left bitter, hurt and disappointed. And I'm not just talking about romantic relationships — friends and family too.
What about you?
Do you think it's a little harsh to dismiss someone the first time out or do you
give someone a few chances to redeem themselves?
Does it depend on the situation?
Does it depend on the person?
Let me know your thoughts.