Monday, August 16, 2010

Eat, Pray, LIVE !!

I'm in a funk.

I don't feel good about how my life is progressing right now, well, because it isn't.

I feel stuck, you know. I'm not growing, not moving. I feel a NEED, a deep desire to do something else — I just don't know what.

I don't think I'm depressed. I'm just not happy right now (and I'm usually a pretty happy person). Maybe it's PMS. Let's see if I still feel this way next week.

But I don't feel my best - my beautiful best.
Last Saturday I attended a health fair and found out my blood pressure was up. WHAT? I couldn't believe it. I thought the lady was crazy, on drugs or didn't know how to use the machine. I told her that I teach Jazzercise six days a week and TRY to eat a healthy diet. My blood pressure is always low, I told her.

"Is something going on in your life that is stressing you out?" she asked.

I couldn't pinpoint it at that time, but I really believe that I need a change of scenery: an eat, pray, LIVE moment.

Unlike Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love, I can't afford to take a year off — though I wish I had her adventuresome spirit. Sometimes I am so damn responsible: I go to work, pay my bills, obey the law, blah, blah, blah. I admire those who just do what they want without thought of consequence; you know those fearless souls who live by their own rules. That's freedom.

But I would do a month, yeah, a month. That's probably all I need to "get my groove back," and get my creative juices flowing again. Gilbert traveled to Italy, India and Bali to renew her spirit, I would visit a Caribbean island. I want to go to a place that has a fabulous spa as well as hiking and yoga, meditation and massages.

I want to go to a place where I can get up when I want, explore, shop, dance and eat dessert - lol ! — all on my own schedule. I don't want to worry about work or bills, the lack of money or the lack of love or all that other stuff that comes with life.

I need a break. I need to get my joy back, get rejuvenated. I'm too young to be having a mid-life Crisis.

What about you?
What do you do to get out of a funk? Do you travel? Fast? Meditate?
What is your dream destination for your EAT, PRAY, LIVE MOMENT?
Where would you go? What would you do? How long would you stay?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lottie, first of all, if the nurse told you about high blood pressure, this doesn't have anything to do with a 'mid-life crisis'. Take the medication. I (as fine as I am) am struggling with high blood pressure. I fought medication for years until people my age started to die around me. Didn't matter how happy I was or the type of crisis I was in.

Secondly, we all need to rejuvenate ourselves. Do something different, eat something different, change things around. We all deserve that, no matter what our situation. Also, we should Eat, Pray and Live daily!!!!! Its called survival!