Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sister Love

Yesterday, my sister told me that she believes that I will be successful.


It really made me feel good to hear her say that. It warmed my heart because my sister and I get into it a lot. I mean she's said some really mean things to me before and hurt my feelings in the past. I don't agree with a lot of her decisions and she's really stubborn. We're growing and maturing. Sometimes she even comes to her big sister for advice - and listens ! (though not nearly enough)

But I love her because she's my sister, my only blood sister.

What about you?
Have your siblings or another family member ever surprised you with encouraging news?


TNDRHRT said...

They have...especially my oldest sister of the two that I have. She and I sometimes don't get along and I'm very surprised when she says something positive about me.

Anonymous said...

um, hell naw. My family is always on my back 'cause I'm the only adult not married, no kids. Surprised me? with "i think you're great" news? Ha! But I still love them. They're part of me.