Okay, today I was suppose to write about marriage and mistresses, but something happened this morning that I had to share with my legions of fans (All 5 followers - lol !!!).
Last night I was talking to a guy who I'll call "Eric." We had been out a couple of times - a movie, dinner - and he had made it known to me that he was really "digging me" and wanted us to date. He seemed okay - nice smile, down to earth, good conversationalist.
So we were talking about plans for this weekend when he announced that he wanted to bring me breakfast in the morning.
"Oh, that's not necessary," I said.
"No. I want to," he insisted. "What time do you have to be at work?"
"I'm usually there by 9. But really, you don't have to bring me breakfast. Plus, I don't want you to be late for work," I said.
"I work for the federal government. I can go in a little late," Eric said. "What do you like for breakfast?"
At 5:15 this morning, I hear a knock at my door. 5 AM !!!
I was like - Who is this knocking at my door at 5 in the morning? I didn't answer it.
Then my phone rang. It was Eric.
"Hey, I'm at your door," he said. "I brought you breakfast."
"It's 5 o'clock in the morning," I said. "Why are you at my house so early?"
"I told you I was going to bring you breakfast," Eric said.
"Are you serious?" I asked. I was PO'd.
"Are you going to come out?" he asked.
I got up, threw on some pants and a big t-shirt. I went to the door, cracked it open. It was still dark outside. Eric, in his dress pants, nice shirt and tie, was standing on my porch. He had a Starbucks bag in his hand with my oatmeal.
"Man, you need your grass cut," he said. "I can come do it for you."
"Why did you come to my house this early?" I asked.
"I get to work early and wanted to beat the traffic," he said. "Here," and he put the Starbucks bag in my hand and tried to come in. But I stood in the doorway. "Are you going to let me in?"
"Eric, thank you so much for this," I said. "I really appreciate you picking this up for me. But I'm really tired and need to go back to bed."
"For real?" Eric asked, his eyebrows raised."You aren't going to let me in?"
"It's 5 o'clock in the morning. I'm going back to bed," I said.
"But I got up early to bring you breakfast," Eric said with disbelief.
"Eric, I know. This was really, really nice, but I'm not going to let you in. I'm going back to bed," I said.(Did he think he was going to just hang out at my house until he got ready to go to work?)
"wow. okay," he said and walked away.
Just as I was about to doze off again, my phone rang. It was Eric calling from his car.
"So are we still on for this weekend?" he asked.
I don't know, I told him. He shouldn't have come over so early.
"Does that mean we're not dating anymore? Are you breaking up with me?" Eric asked.
Was he serious? First of all, I didn't know I was in a relationship. Secondly, this incident really disturbed me.
I mean, I understand that this guy wanted to do something special - like bring me breakfast. It would have been okay if he would have come around 7:30, 8, even 7 - at least the sun would have been out. But at 5 a.m.? Unfortunately his kind gesture backfired. It just made me feel a little uneasy.
What kind of person thinks it's okay to show up at someone's house at 5 a.m.? But then again, he probably thought it was perfectly fine and saw nothing wrong with bringing me breakfast that early.
Eric sent me a text around 9 a.m. - "Did you get back to sleep?"
I didn't reply. He's called twice today. I haven't returned any of his calls. I'm thinking.
Obviously Eric had good intentions. It wasn't a bad thing. It was just bad judgment. The episode, however, still freaked me out, though I think he's pretty harmless.
But I don't know guys, just when I thought I had met a winner, he does this...
What do you think? Was I wrong? Should I have let him in, even if it was just for a few minutes? What would you have done? Did I overreact? Was I rude? Did I seem ungrateful? Do you think his actions were a little over the top? Do you think it was just a little mistake, a case of bad judgment on his part?
Let me know your thoughts.